Cold Comfort

Cold Comfort is an area-control game about hospitality in the Yukon gold rush. It’s brand new in 2024, and still very early in development.

Heads Up: This game is changing significantly right now, so please don’t grab it just yet. We are working on a new rules set and a new set of pieces that should be available in mid-May. Meanwhile, feel free to peruse the earlier version below.

Background: Life can be harsh in the Klondike. Frozen soil, harsh weather, and slim pickings in the ground. Sometimes a prospector’s only respite is a visit to Dawson City, where they can find hot soup, sharp tools, and many options for top-grade hospitality. As a frontier hotelier, your goal is to provide your guests with everything they need, at prices they can afford. So build your chain of hotels, fire up the hearths, and dish out some comfort in the cold.

Cold Comfort is a city-building game of hotel management in the Yukon. Players will manage chains of hotels, and score points for neighborhoods thanks to their top-tier clientele. Once in a while, it might also be convenient if someone’s hotel burned to the ground.

This game is very new, so we recommend you should only play it if you like giving feedback and watching things change quickly. In fact, the game you give us feedback on might not be the game we are playing. If that sounds fun, read on!

Here are the files you’ll need to make your own copy:

The City Deck contains 24 tile cards that are roughly 2” x 3”, three pages of art. The Hotels and Characters are smaller pieces that fit on two pages. You can print these out on full-sheet labels, and affix them to cardboard from a cereal box, or matte board, or whatever thick cardstock you might have on hand. If your dice are larger than 12mm, you can also print these files slightly larger to accommodate them.

The city tiles and player cards above are fairly simple, and not all that likely to change, but you never know. On the other hand, the rules are changing literally every day.

In addition to the components above, you will also need 24 small dice, money (tiny poker chips are best), and a way to keep score.

If you play the game, please send us your feedback. We expect to be testing this thing for months before it settles down, and you can catch up with James Ernest at his many scheduled events along the way.

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